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 1. David Bernard  Doctrine of the Church 8: Government   
 2. David C. Pack - The Restored Church of God  The Towering Government Doctrine (Part 4 of 6)   
 3. Gerry Andersen  The Confession of Church Doctrine  1 Timothy 3:14-16 
 4. David Bernard  Doctrine of the Church 6: Gifts   
 5. David Bernard  Doctrine of the Church 7: Supernatural Gifts   
 6. David Bernard  Doctrine of the Church 5: Apostles and Prophets   
 7. Dr. William E. Bell  Organization and Government of the Church  Foundations for Discipleship 
 8. Erin Morgan  Canadian Constitutional Law #10: Ancillary Doctrine, Double Aspect Doctrine  Life of a Law Student: Canadian Constitutional Law 
 9. President George W. Bush  President Bush Meets with First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of the Republic of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit - January 5, 2009  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 10. Three Holies Church Choristers  Three Holies Church Choristers - The Hymns of the Ancient Church - [complete Magnatune album]  The Hymns of the Ancient Church 
 11. Don A. Elbourne Jr.  Responsible Church Membership - Homecoming 2008 - Lakeshore Baptist Church  Lakeshore Baptist Church 
 12. Rev. Andy Bales, Mayra Nolan and Gary Yuman  Planting A Holistic Latino Neighborhood Church within a Mega-Church  CCDA 2004 
 13. Chiswick Christian Centre  God wants to Kick the Church out of the Church - Kevin & Chad Dedmon  Chiswick Christian Centre 
 14. Church of the Cross  Church of the Cross - A Prayer for the Church - Mark Booker  Philippians 
 15. Pastor Dan Skogen  The Activities of a Healthy Church Action toward our Church Family   
 16. Chiswick Christian Centre  God wants to Kick the Church out of the Church - Kevin & Chad Dedmon  Chiswick Christian Centre 
 17. Abundant Life Church of God  Church Health Is The Key To Church Growth - Part 6  Sermons 
 18. Bob Hoekstra  The Church: How Jesus Builds It #4 - Ministry to the Church  www.firefighters.org 
 19. Gordon Raphael  CD Doctrine 3   
 20. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of God  Defenders Podcast 
 21. Gordon Raphael  CD Doctrine 3   
 22. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of God  Defenders Podcast 
 23. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of God  Defenders Podcast 
 24. Realistic Crew  Doctrine  Overcome 
 25. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of Man  Defenders Podcast 
 26. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of Man  Defenders Podcast 
 27. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of Man  Defenders Podcast 
 28. William Lane Craig  The Doctrine of Man  Defenders Podcast 
 29. New Artist  DOCTRINE.wav  New Title 
 30. New Artist  DOCTRINE.wav  New Title 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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